“We care not only about the community but also about the earth and environment we live”

We recognize that the sustainability of our environment is essential to ensuring the continuity of our business. By reducing the waste that could impact the environmental burden in our value chain, we can strengthen our business foundation. To that end, currently, we are doing 4 approaches.


Climate change is one of the biggest global threats for humanity. It will shape the way we live and do business, now and in the coming decades.


As part of its commitment to combat climate change and create a healthier environment, MBL is striving to reduce the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions caused by MBL's business operations.


We are currently calculating our emissions based on our electricity and energy consumption of our brewing activities, we will start keeping track of our carbon emissions caused by logistics and transportation of our raw materials and finished products.


We will achieve the commitment by regular monitoring of energy usage such as electricity and fuel, continuous energy saving activities at brewery and fuel usage reduction by optimizing logistics efficiency.


Water is essential to life and vital to our brewing process. Therefore, water will always be a top priority topic to our environmental commitments. At MBL, we are well-aware of the vitality of the water & the scarcity of its resources which is why we have determined to reduce water usage in our production activities and rigorously preserve the water sources.

We will achieve the commitment by regular monitoring of energy usage such as electricity and fuel, continuous energy saving activities at brewery and fuel usage reduction by optimizing logistics efficiency.